Wednesday, August 17, 2011

And the Academy Award for Best Performance goes to......

Wouldn't it be great if people would say "Good Morning" to each other everyday, not just the days the boss is in town?  Wouldn't it be great if people smiled instead of scowled at each other everyday, not just the days the boss is in town?  Wouldn't it be great if people were on time everyday, not just the days the boss is in town?  Wouldn't it be great if people spent their day doing actual work everyday, not just the days the boss is in town?  Wouldn't it be great if people combed their hair everyday, not just the days the boss is in town?  Wouldn't it be great if people were helpful to others everyday, not just the days the boss is in town?  Wouldn't it be great if people paid attention during a meeting everyday, not just the days the boss is in town?

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